Parlo Tours Singapore Landing Photo
  • Cruise Go


From RM1,588


Tour Code C4ANSIN
Booking Valid From 2024-07-30
Booking Valid End 2024-07-31
Tour Code C4ANSIN
Singapore Photo 1
Tour Highlights
  1. [Anthem of the Seas] Quantum Ultra Class: 9 complimentary restaurants + 33 types of staterooms + over 20 leisure and exciting activities, extraordinary technology surprises and facilities【海洋圣歌号】 超量子系列: 9家免费餐厅 + 33 种舱房类型 + 超过20种休闲娱乐和激情运动,超凡科技惊喜体验和设施
  2. Rate shown are Cabin Only. 价格仅为船舱费用。
  3. Port of call: Singapore 停靠港口:新加坡
  4. *FREE x1 onboard WIFI device per cabin 每个船舱免费提供一个船上WiFi设备
  5. *FREE Travel Insurance Covers Covid-19 免费旅行保险 (涵盖新冠肺炎)
Price Packages
Price Packages
Date / Cabin 航期 / 船舱类型 Interior 室内 Balcony 露台
20 Jan 2025 1,588 1,888
08 Feb 2025 1,668 2,148
Handling fee 手续费 630



  1. Exclusion
  2. 不含
  1. Travel insurance and visa fees.
  2. Shore excursions and transfer service.
  3. Port charges and gratuities on board.
  4. Return international air ticket.
  1. 旅游保险和签证费用。
  2. 岸上游览和接送服务。
  3. 港口费用和船上小费。
  4. 往返国际机票。
  1. Remarks
  2. 说明
  1. Package rate shown is based on 2-To-Go for Twin Share (Guarantee Cabin) and is valid until 31 July 2024.
  2. Cruise fares shown are per person, based on Twin Share occupancy, in Ringgit Malaysia (MYR). This is subject to associated taxes and surcharges, which are correct at the time of printing but may change without prior notice.
  3. Triple & Quad sharing cabins will be subject to the prevailing system rate.
  4. Passport validity must be at least 6 months upon your arrival back in Singapore from your cruise vacation.
  5. Pregnant women before the 23rd week of pregnancy and infants 6 months and above will only be permitted at the time of sailing (for cruises departing from Singapore Port).
  6. Pregnant women before the 23rd week of pregnancy and infants 12 months and above will only be permitted at the time of sailing (for cruises departing from the rest of the world).
  7. Maximum occupancy for one cabin is 4 persons.
  8. All prices quoted are based on the current exchange rate and are subject to fluctuation. We reserve the right to adjust the tour price accordingly.
  1. 配套价格基于双人同住(保证舱)2人成行,并有效至2024年7月31日。
  2. 显示的邮轮费用为每人价格,基于双人同住,单位为马来西亚令吉(MYR)。价格以此印刷时间是准确的,但可能会在没有提前通知的情况下更改。
  3. 三人及四人共用的舱房将按现行系统价格计算。
  4. 务必确认护照有效期在行程往返时须有至少6个月有效期限。
  5. 孕妇在怀孕23周前及6个月以上的婴儿在航行时时允许登船(适用于从新加坡港出发的邮轮)。
  6. 孕妇在怀孕23周前及12个月以上的婴儿在航行时是允许登船(适用于从世界其他地方出发的邮轮)。
  7. 每间舱房的最大入住人数为4人。
  8. 所有报价均基于当前汇率,我们保留相应汇率波动来调整旅游价格的权利。
  1. Booking procedure
  2. 订单程序
  1. All guests are required to submit their full name according to their passport copy with a minimum of 6 months validity, as well as contact and email address upon booking.
  2. Guests are advised to download the RCI app to retrieve booking details once full payment has been made. Users may access and pre-arrange any necessary onboard plans through the RCI app.
  1. 所有客人需在预订时提交护照复印件上的全名(护照有效期至少6个月)、联系方式和电子邮件地址。
  2. 在全额付款后,建议客人下载RCI应用程序获取预订详情。用户可通过RCI应用程序访问并预先安排任何必要的船上计划。
  1. Payment
  2. 支付期限
Payment 1-5 nights sailing 6 – 14 nights sailing 15+ night sailings
  • Deposit
50% upon booking
Balance payment 90 days before sailing date 120 days before sailing date 150 days before sailing date
  1. (non-refundable / non-transferable)
支付期限 1-5 晚航程 6 – 14 晚航程 15+ 晚航程
  • 订金
尾款 启航前90天 启航前120天 启航前150天
  1. (不退款和转让)
  1. Amendment / Cancellation Policy
  2. 修改/取消政策
Days prior to sailing 1 – 5-night sailing 6 – 9-night sailing 10 – 14-night sailing 15+ nights
75 – 65days RM 1300 RM 3600 RM 4500 RM 4500
64 – 35days 50% 50% 50% 50%
34 - 16days 75% 75% 75% 75%
15days or less 100% 100% 100% 100%
  1. Once booking is confirmed, any amendment of reservation is considered a cancellation, and the necessary fees will be applied on top of the new fare.
  2. Apart from the above cancellation fee stated under the terms and conditions of the respective third parties (cruise principal), you are liable to be charged an administration fee of RM100.00 per service per person irrespective of circumstances.
  3. Any addition of guests to the existing cabin or new cabins after booking is made shall be subject to the cabin occupancy, availability, and current prevailing rates. Any upgrade of category on the existing cabin shall be based on the current prevailing rates.
  4. The cabin must retain at least one original guest name. An amendment fee of RM 600 per guest per transaction will be imposed for name changes and is subject to approval (30 days before sailing) (EXCEPT for cruises that are fully booked and sailing is closed).
  5. Cancellation charges are applied on a per person basis as per the policy below:
距航行天数 1 – 5 晚航程 6 – 9 晚航程 10 – 14晚航程 15+ 晚航程
75 – 65 天 RM 1300 RM 3600 RM 4500 RM 4500
64 – 35 天 50% 50% 50% 50%
34 – 16 天 75% 75% 75% 75%
少过15天 100% 100% 100% 100%
  1. 预订一经确认,任何更改预订均视为取消,并将在新费用的基础上收取必要的费用。
  2. 除上述取消费用外,根据相关第三方(邮轮公司)的条款和条件,您还需支付每人每项服务RM100.00的行政费,无论情况如何。
  3. 在预订后,增加现有舱房的客人或新增舱房将取决于舱房的入住情况、可用性和现行价格。现有舱房的类别升级将根据现行价格计算。
  4. 舱房必须保留至少一位原始客人的姓名。姓名更改将收取RM600的修改费用,并须经批准(航行前30天), 邮轮已满员且航行已关闭的情况除外。
  5. 取消费用按每人标准如下政策收取:
  1. Note 备注 :
  1. No refund or compensation will be made to guests who are denied embarkation resulting from non-compliance with immigration requirements.
  2. All the above is subject to change without prior notice.
  3. Royal Caribbean reserves the right to cancel or substitute any scheduled port of call/itinerary/price/program/vessel/cabin at any time without prior notice.
  4. Parlo Tours Sdn Bhd reserves the right to change or withdraw the cancellation charges on this promotion for any reason it may deem fit.
  1. 任何不符合当地海关或移民局要求而被拒绝登船的客人将不予退款或赔偿。
  2. 以上所有内容如有更改,恕不另行通知。
  3. 皇家加勒比保留随时取消或更换任何计划的停靠港口/行程/价格/项目/船只/舱房的权利,恕不另行通知。
  4. Parlo Tours Sdn Bhd保留因任何其认为适当的原因更改或撤销此促销活动取消费用的权利。

Day 1


Content: - Departs at 4:30pm.

Day 2


FROM 2:00pm - 11:00pm

Day 3


Day at sea

Day 4


Arrives at 7:00am

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